PCSC's 2024/25 Player Placements (aka tryouts) will be held:
Placements Information
Schedule By Birth Year
PCSC's 2024/25 Player Placements will be held:
At Trailside Park on the Lower grass field, as well as both the Trailside East turf fields.
Register for Player Placements
Every 2023/24 returning PCSC player, along with anyone interested in joining the Club, must complete the Placements Pre-Registration. This allows us to:
Players not pre-regististered run the risk of missing part of their tryout session, including introductions and instructions. Additionally, those not pre-registered may find their is confussion with their name, birth year, or player number on the coach evaluation sheets.
Day of Instructions
Please confirm placement schedule for the date, time, and field location specific to your player’s birth year 24-hours in advance to ensure no adjustments have been made.
Day-of Registration is highly discouraged. If you must register the day of placements, please follow this two-step process:
1) Report to Placements HQ (Park Room adjacent to the lower Trailside playground) 30 minutes prior to scheduled placement session; a volunteer will provide your player with a number and they may proceed to the field to get started
2) The parent should then remain at the Placements HQ to complete the player's online registration; without completing this step, your player may not appear on final lists and coaches may not be able to reach your player regarding team placements.
Parents: Parents are asked not to gather to watch placements from the fields, sidelines or anywhere near the vicinity of the placement session
PLEASE NOTE: Should there be any possibility of thunderstorms, we ask parents to remain in their car, in the vicinity for quick pick up of your player if needed
What to wear: Players should come prepared for the weather (sun, rain, or cold) and dressed in appropriate training clothes.
- Dark tops are requested to help us minimize the use of pinnies
- PCSC gear should NOT be worn
- Cleats and shin guards are required
Bring: Water bottle or a sports drink
- PCSC coaches will have soccer balls; players should not bring their own soccer ball.
Arrive: 20 -30 minutes before the start of your placement session.
- Report directly to the check in area at the Placement HQ (Park Room, adjacent to the lower Trailside playground)
- A volunteer will confirm your player's attendance and give them their pre-assigned placement number
- Pin the number on the front of shorts - right leg
- Players may then proceed onto their designated field and should be ready to go by the posted start time
- Their assigned number will be used both days, AND will be used to post team results
- Do not lose the number between placement days and be sure to take a photo to remember your player's number when reviewing placement results
Players should come prepared as described in DAY 1
- Placement number from DAY 1 should be pinned to the player's shorts
- Arrive 15 minutes prior to scheduled session, and report to Placement HQ to check in (same as DAY 1)
- It is necessary to check in with the volunteer BOTH days to confirm attendance
- There is potential for a coach to overlook a player who has not checked in
Players should only attend the session specific to their birth year, unless:
- They have a schedule conflict and have confirmed with Technical Director, Eli Ulvi, which session they should attend as an alternative
- They have received special permission from Eli to also attend placements for an age group older than their birth year
- With permission, the player will attend all four sessions (their 2 birth year sessions and the 2 special permission sessions)
- Eli can be reached by email at: eulvi@parkcitysoccer.org
Placement Field Map
Player Placements are held at the Trailside Park / Trailside East complex. Check in is located in the Park Room, next to the administrative offices, at 5715 Trailside Drive, Park City.
Placement Results for 2024/25 Teams
Results will be posted here upon completion of the tryout process.
The deadline to accept your spot for ages 2016 - 2013 is Tuesday, May 25th at 8:00pm to guaranteed your place on the roster.
The deadline to accept your spot for ages 2012 - 2006 and the Foundations program (2017-2018) is Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 8:00pm to guarantee your place on the team roster.
It is highly recommended that each player attend both days of Player Placements. While a player will not be penalized for missing a day, attendance at both sessions ensures her / or she maximizes their opportunity to be seen by evaulators in all relevant playing scenarios.
Pre-registration for PCSC Player Placements is highly recommended. There is no fee and pre-registration is open from May 1 through 11am on each day of Player Playerments.
Pre-registration ensures your player's name is on the evaluation forms for the coaching staff, with the correct assigned number.
Walk up registration is accepted, but the process generally results in a player missing the first few minutes of the session, including introductions and instructions. Walk up registration also runs the risk of a player not appropriately being recorded on coaches' evaluation sheets (name, number, or birth year.)
All players, even returning players, must participate in an evaluation before being named to a PCSC team.
All players, returning and new, should Pre-Registerer for Player Placements even if they are unable to attend. This gets their name on the candidate list for their proper age-group. The Pre-Registration form has a spot to indicate you will be missing Placements.
Current players missing Placements should notify both their 2022/23 coach and Technical Director, Eli Ulvi, prior to the scheduled Placement date. Eli will provide the name and contact information for the appropriate coach the player should call upon return to schedule an evaluation session.
New players should follow instructions for Joining PCSC Late
Player Placement results will be placed on the Club's website (parkcitysoccer.org) two days after the completion of Placements.
Results will be posted by number / team / birth year. Players should keep track of their number by taking a photograph of their number when they register on the first day
Players are asked to keep the Placements number assigned to them the first day, and wear it again the second day. If a number is lost or damaged, a new number can be requested at Placements Check In
UYSA / Stack Sports: 888.211.3444
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