Park City Soccer Club offers programs for players aged 5-18
Park City Soccer Club is a tryout-based, competitive soccer club. Players ages 8 - 18 are placed on teams based on their skill level and birth year (as opposed to grade in school!) PCSC generally fields two-to-three teams per gender, per age for most of our younger ages, two teams per age, per gender for our middle school and junior high age teams, and usually one team per gender, per age as teams reach high school. Given the larger roster sizes of older teams, it is not unusual to have mixed ages on our high school age teams.
Player Placements, or tryouts, are held each year during the last half of May, as directed by the Utah Youth Soccer Association.
- Players Born 2016 - 2013: Placements are generally held the week before Memorial Day.
- Players Born 2012 - 2006 and 2017-2018: Placements are generally held the week after Memorial Day.
A tryout is required of all players, even retuning players.
- If you are returning player unable to make placements, please alert both your current coach and our Club's Technical Director, Eli Ulvi
about your situation. Eli will direct you to the appropriate coach to schedule an evaluation upon your return.
- If you are new to PCSC and missing placements, or are looking to join the club mid-year, see below.
The Foundations program, for players ages 6 & 7, is sign-up based and will register players until the program is full. Interested players are encouraged to attend Player Placements to meet the coaches and their prospective teammates, but Placements is not required.
Park City Soccer Club also offers an introductory soccer program, call Futures,
No cost, pre-registration with Park City Soccer Club is always required for Foundations and competitive players
to be considered for / placed on a team.
Please visit the Player Placements page to learn more about the placement process, the exact placement schedule, and to pre-register. Placements will take place in late May each year with pre-registration opening on May 1st.
PCSC offers our Futures introductory, developmental soccer program three times per year (Summer, Fall, and Spring.) Sessions run from 5-weeks to 12-weeks, depending on the season, and fill up quickly. Click below to learn more about our Futures program and the registration schedule.
Park City Soccer Club accepts qualified players to its competitive teams on a rolling basis provided the player possesses the necessary skill level and there are open spots on an age-appropriate roster. PCSC does not hold spots over qualified players in attendance at Player Placements for those moving to town at a future date.
It is the policy of PCSC to place players on teams based on their birth year; in some instances players may be invited to "play up" with an older group.
Step 1. Create an account in Club Software Program Play Metrics.
- Once you have created an account the link will prompt you to register for Player Placements.
- This process will help us track new players and communicate with you throughout the process.
Step 2. Contact Eli Ulvi, PCSC Technical Director
- Eli can be reached at: or 907.748.5075
- Eli will provide an overview of club soccer, discuss required commitment, and explain the annual calendar
- Eli will discuss the level of play available at PCSC based on the player's age
- Eli will connect the prospective player with the appropriate coach
Step 3. Player will be invited to attend one or more training sessions with the prospective team
- Either the coach or the team manager will invite the player out to the team's next training session
- The player should come ready to participate in training clothes with cleats, shin guards, a ball and water
Step 4. Player evaluation
- After participating in a training session or two, the coach will provide feedback, which may or may not result in an invitation
to join Park City Soccer Club
- On occasion, a player may be invited to train with the team, in lieu of being offered a spot on the roster; this is referred to as
joining the 'Practice Roster' which allows a player train to gain the skills, but not participate in games
Step 5. Invitation to join Park City Soccer Club
- Should the coach extend an offer for the player to join his or her team, the next step will be a Welcome Letter with registration
instructions sent from the PCSC Registrar
- The letter will contain a series of step-by-step instructions to:
- Set up an account through PCSC's PlayMetrics system to pay annual program fees and access the Club's communication channels
- Follow the link to UYSA's Affinity registration system to pay State Registration, Competition, and Legacy Field fees
- Download the PlayMetics app. This will connect the player with their coach, manager, their team's schedule, club announcements,
notifications, chats, the calendar system, and the player's own account.
- Email (no texts or calls!) our Uniform Coordinator to secure a uniform number and instructions to order / purchase the player's kit.
Please note, depending on the season it may take 4+ weeks for a uniform to arrive from
UYSA / Stack Sports: 888.211.3444
© 2023 Park City Soccer Club. All rights reserved